Friday, May 6, 2011

All Dogs Goes to Heaven

This afternoon, Jonah asked me an unexpected question. "How old do you have to be to go to Heaven?"


I was honest. I told him that you can be any age and go to heaven. "Even in your twenties?"

"Yes, Buddy, even in your twenties."

"But not babies."

"No, babies go to Heaven. I had a baby brother that went to Heaven. He was born after Aunt Sarah and before Uncle Robby."


"His name was Aaron."

"What about Grandmas? And Great-grandmas? Great-grandma McKnight is in heaven, right?"

"Yes, Jonah, Great-grandma McKnight is in heaven."

"Mommy, can we watch a movie tonight?"

Jonah is an amazingly sweet and inquisitive boy. I just adore him.

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