Sunday, March 25, 2012

Quitter's Club

I've had friends in my life that I've grown apart from and lost touch with. It makes me sad to think of some of these lost friendships. Others, in hindsight, I'm better off without.

I worked at the same law firm for 10 of 12 years. (I had a baby, quit, then went back for a while, then quit again.) In those years, I became good friends with 3 of my coworkers, all of whom no longer work there. As these things tend to happen, since we don't see each other every day, we don't see each other much at all. Last night, I had dinner/hanging out time with 2 of these 3 friends, and had a fantastic time. Spending time with EKB and ALS reminded me that I love those women, and need them in my life more regularly. So here's me, committing to seeing my good friends more often.

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